Netra Tarpan

Netra Tarpan / AASCHYOTAN

Keeping a medicated ghee in a groove made up by flour & water around the eyes.

To whom should be given

For any diseases of eye like Cataract, Glaucoma, Pterigium, Myopia, Squint

A groove should be made up by mixing flour of black gram with water around the eyes. The medicated ghee should be kept in that groove for 20 min. After 20 min the ghee should be removed from the groove & then eye massage should be given for 10 min. same procedure should be done repeatedly for 21 days in continuous manner.

Useful In:

Cataract, Glaucoma, Pterigium, Squint, Myopia etc.
It improves strength of eye muscles.

Name of some medicated ghee
  • Mahatriphaladi Ghrit
  • Punarnavadi Ghrit